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Mirrors and reflections : the geometry of finite reflection groups
Borovik,Alexandre/著 Borovik,Anna/著 BorovikAlexanderV./著
Mathematical reflections : in a room with many mirrors
Hilton,PeterJohn/著 Holton,DerekAllan/著 Pedersen,Jean/著 ほか
The Treaty of Versailles : a reassessment after 75 years
Boemeke,ManfredF./著 Feldman,GeraldD./著 BoemekeManfredF./著 ほか
The coasts of Bohemia : a Czech history
Sayer,Alena/著 Sayer,Derek/著
Coxeter matroids
BorovikAlexandreV./著 GelfandIsraelM./著