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Approximation theory and methods
Powell,M.J.D/著 PowellM.J.D./著
A course on queueing models
Mohanty,Gopal/著 BohmWalter/著 BöhmWalter/著 ほか
Mixed motives and algebraic K-theory
Jannsen,Uwe/著 Assad,ArjangA/著 Gass,DrSaulI/著
Spectral asymptotics in the semi-classical limit
Dimassi,Mouez/著 Sjöstrand,J./著 SjostrandJohannes/著 ほか
Beginner's course in topology : geometric chapters
Fuks,D.B/著 Lacob,A./著 Rokhlin,VladimirAbramovich/著 ほか
Computational methods in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry
GraysonDanielR.(UniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-ChampaignUrbanaILUSA)/著 ほか